miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008

La diferencia entre = Bourbon y Whiskey?

It is only bourbon if it is made in Bourbon County, SOLAMENTE SE LE DICE *BOURBON* AL WHISKEY HECHO EN EL CONDADO DE *BOURBON* Scotch is only scotch if it is made in Scotland. ESCOSES SOLAMENTE ES ESCOSES SI ESTA HECHO EN ESCOCIA. The same style of whiskey can be made anywhere, but it can't be called bourbon. EL MISMO TIPO DE WHISKEY PUEDE SER FABRICADO EN CUALQUIER LADO, PERO *NO* SE LE PUEDE LLAMAR *BOURBON* More than 50 percent of the grain used to produce bourbon must be corn and it must be aged for a minimum of two years in oak barrels. MAS DEL 50 PORCIENTO DEL GANO USADO PARA PRODUCIR *BOURBON* DEBE DE SER DE ELOTE, Y DEBE DE SER AÑEJADO POR UN MINIMO DE 2 AÑOS EN BARRILES DE ROBLE. Those are simply industry standard, most of distilleries age bourbon for a much longer period of time and use up to 75 percent corn grain. ESOS SON SENCILLAMENTE LAS NORMAS INDUSTRALES, Y LA MAYORIA DE LOS DESTILATORIOS AÑEJAN EL *BOURBON* POR UN PERIDO MUCHO MAS LARGO Y USAN HASTA UN 75 PORCIENTO DEL GRANO DE ELOTE. One point of difference between bourbon and other types of whiskey is the inability to add flavor or color enhancement at the time of bottling. UN PUNTO DE DIFERENCIA ENTRE EL *BOURBON* Y OTROS TIPOS DE WHISKEY ES LA INABILIDAD DE AGREGAR ENCARECIMIENTO AL SABOR O COLOR AL MOMENTO DE ENVASAR EL WHISKEY. Recepies / RECETAS. 1) Old Fashioned 2 oz. Bourbon Club Soda Dash Sugar Syrup Several Dashes Angostura Bitters Mix soda, syrup, and bitters in an old fashioned glass. Add bourbon and ice cubes, then stir. 2) Dixie Whiskey 2 oz Bourbon 1/2 tsp Powdered Sugar 1 dash Bitters 1/4 tsp Triple Sec 1/2 tsp White Creme de Menthe 1/2 cup ice Shake with ice and strain into a glass. 3) Americaner 1/4 oz Bourbon 3/4 tsp Sugar 1 dash Bitters Chilled Champagne Combine Whiskey, bitters, and sugar, in a glass. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Fill with champagne and add a peach wedge. 4) Kentucky Snowstorm 1 1/2 oz Bourbon 1 1/2 oz Cranberry Juice 1/2 oz Lime Juice 1/2 oz Grenadine 1 tsp Sugar 1 cup ice Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain into a glass or pour over cracked ice into a glass. Top with an orange or lemon wedge. 5) Gentleman's Cocktail 1 1/2 oz Bourbon 1/2 oz Brandy 1/2 oz Creme de Menthe Club Soda 1/2 cup ice Pour bourbon, brandy, and creme de menthe over ice into a glass. Fill the glass the rest of the way with club soda and add a twist of lemon to the top. 1) Manhattan 1 1/2 oz Blended Whiskey 3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth Ice Stir with ice and strain into cocktail glass. Top with an olive. 2) Algonquin 1 1/2 oz Blended Whiskey 1 oz Dry Vermouth 1 oz Pineapple Juice Ice Shake with ice and strain into a glass. 3) Whiskey Sour 2 oz Blended Whiskey 1/2 tsp Powdered Sugar Juice of 1/2 Lemon Ice Shake with ice and strain into a glass. Top with a lemon wheel and a cherry. 4) Aquarius 1 1/2 oz Blended Whiskey 1/2 oz Cherry-flavored Brandy 1 oz Cranberry Juice Ice Shake with ice and strain into a glass over half filled with ice. 5) California Lemonade 2 oz Blended Whiskey Juice of 1 Lemon Juice of 1 Lime 1 1/2 tbsp Powdered Sugar 1/2 tsp Grenadine Club Soda Ice Shake with ice and strain into a glass filled with shaved ice. Fill with club soda and top with several slices of lemon and a cherry. Serve with straws.

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