miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008

Italian Wines = Vinos Italianos.

VINO ITALIANO = CHIANTI Dictionary Cooks Abboccato: = Medium sweet wine Acerbo: = Tart Aceto: = Vinegar Aglianico: = Red grape grown in the Campania region Alcool: = Alcohol Annata: = Vintage year Appassimento: = Drying grapes in order to concentrate sugar Acidita’: = Acidity Acido: = Acetic, acidic, vinegary tasting or smelling Acquoso: = Watery, defines very thin wines with low flavor Amabile: = Medium sweet wine Amaro: = Bitter, generally a defect in wines with some exception Annata: = Vintage Aperto: = Open, defines a wine with well defined character Armonioso: = Harmonious, defines perfectly balanced wine Aromatico: = Aromatic, defines wines pronounced aroma Astringente: = Astringent, defines wines with high tannin content Asciutto: = Dry Austero: Austere, = defines wines with bold complex fruity character Azienda agricola: = An estate using its own grapes to produce of its own wines Azienda vinicola: = A producer who buys grapes and makes wine Barbera: = Classic grape commonly grown in the Piedmont region Barolo: = Top Piedmont red wine, made with the Nebbiolo grape Bianco: = White Bilanciato: = Balanced, define wines with many well combined harmonic elements Botte: = Cask Botticella: = small wine cask Bottiglia: = Bottle Brunello di Montalcino: = Top Tuscan red wine Cantina Sociale: = Co-operative wine producer and cellar Caraffa di Decantazione: = Decanter Cascina: = Farmhouse Castello: = Castle Cerasuolo: = Cherry colored rose’ wine from Sicily Chiaretto: = Rose’ wine from Garda Chiuso: = Closed, refers to a wine that doesn’t reveal its character Classico: = Classic, An original DOC wine from a typical region Complesso: = Complex, defines a wines with many combined aromas Consorzio: = Producers trade association Corpo: = Body, defines texture of a wine (light bodied, full-bodied, etc). Cortese: = White grape used in Piemonte Corvina: = Red grape used in the Veneto area for wine blends Cotto: = Cooked, a negative wine attribute, for wines made from overripe grapes Debole: = Weak, defines wines with low character Delicato: = Delicate, a wine with light balance and body Distinto: = Distinctive, refined, elegant wine DOC: = Abbreviation for "Denominazione di Origine Controllata" (controlled place of origin) DOCG: = Abbreviation for "Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita" (controlled and guaranteed place of origin) Dolcetto: = Dry red wine grown in Piedmont Dolce: = Sweet Elegante: = Elegant stylish wine Enologo: = Enologist with a college degree Enoteca: = Wine shop Enotecnico: = Wine technician with a diploma. Etichetta: = Label Fattoria: = Estate Fiasco: = Flask, the old classic bottles covered with straw Fermentazione naturale: Natural fermentation. Fiorito: = = Flowery, taste of flowers Forte: = Strong wine with high alcohol content Fresco: = Fresh, with no defective aromas Frascati: = White wine from the Lazio Region Freisa: = Red grape used to make wines in Piemonte Frizzante: = Slightly sparkling Frutta: = Fruit Fruttoso: = Fruity taste of fruit and fresh grapes Giovane: = Young, immature fresh wine not fully aged and developed Gradazione alcoolica: = Alcoholic percentage. Grappa: = Italian strong liquor made with fermented grape skins Grechetto: = white grape used to make Orvieto wine IGT: = = abbreviation for "Indicazione Geografica Tipica" or typical location name Imbottigliato: = bottled Imbottigliato all'origine: = Bottled by the producer Invecchiato: = aged Leggero: = Light, referring to low alcohol content Legnoso: = Woody, a defect of wines with wood taste Liquoroso: = Strong, often fortified, wine Litro: = Liter Madre: = Literally mother, the matrix or residue from earlier vintages Malvasia: = An ancient grape, cultivated in Europe for 2000 years! Marchio: = Brand name, trade mark Marsalato: = Wine that has oxidized, has dark color and cherry like taste Maturo: = Mature, Ripe and completely developed wine, ready for consumption. Montepulciano: = top red wine from Tuscany Muffa: = Moldy very bad defect of wine smelling like mold Nebbiolo: = Grape used to produce Barolo and Barbaresco wines in Piemonte Nobile: = Noble, defines a balanced wine, attributed to important vintage Noce: = Nutty, defines wines that taste like walnut or nut-like aroma Ossidato: = Oxidized, wine that has oxidized, has dark color and cherry like taste Passito: = A sweet wine made in part from dried grapes Piatto: = Flat, dull, uninteresting wine Podere: = A small estate Produttore: = Producer Profondo: = Deep, a wine with many layers of flavor Proporzionato: = Good proportion of aroma and alcohol Quercia: = Oak, taste that develops from aging wines in oak Recioto: = Sweet wine from the Veneto area, similar to Passito Ricco: = Rich and complex wine Riserva: = Reserve, for DOC wines, aged for a certain length of time Robusto: = Robust defines a full bodied wine Rosato: = Rose’ Rosso: = Red Sangiovese: = the main red grape varietal used in Tuscany Sapore: = Flavor Scelto: = selected Secco: = dry Semisecco: = off dry, medium sweet Soave: = White wine from the Veneto Solfato: = Sulphur, an anti-oxidant used in making wine Spesso: = Thick, dense Spessore: = Thickness Spumante: = Sparkling wine Stravecchio: = Very old Struttura: = Structure, defines the way a wine is proportioned Super Tuscan: = refers to the new high quality styles of wine in Tuscany Superiore: = superior Sviluppato: = Developed, a mature pleasant Tannino: = Tannin, a natural component of red wines, found in the seed, skin and stems of grapes Tappo: = Cork. A very negative attribute of wine smelling of cork Tenuta: = Wine estate Vernaccia: = White grape used in San Gimignano Vinacce: = Grape skins, seeds and pulp left after wine has been pressed, used to make grappa. Vigna: = Vineyard Vin Santo: = Sweet wine from Tuscany Uva: = Grape Vecchio: = Old Vellutato: = Velvety, defines smooth aroma. Verde: = Green, defines a wine made from unripe grapes Vigna, Vigneto: = Vineyard Vigoroso: = Vigorous, defines wines with forward taste Vino da tavola: = Table wine Vino Novello: = New wine, bottled less than a year Vite: = Vine Viticoltore: = Grape grower Vitigno: = Grape variety Vivace: = Lively, slightly sparkling, define wine with fresh content Zolfo (see solfato) Zuccheri Residui: = Residual sugar English / Italian wine store = bottiglierìa to be in store = sovrastare store immagazzinare, campeggio, immagazzinare department store emporio red wine vino rosso wine vino wine merchant vinaio wine list lista dei vini wine growing enofilo wine glas bicchiere da vino wine cellars casa vinicola wine cask botte di vino white wine vernaccia table wine vino da tàvola sparkling wine spumante wine tavern fiaschetteria

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