lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007

Poultry and organs dicitonary

AVES = POULTRY 1. gallena = hen 2. codorniz = quail 3. pavo = turkey 4. pato = duck 5. pichon = pidgeon 6. pollo = chicken 7. pollo de leche = fryer 8. alas = wings 9. menudencias = giblets 10. mollejas = gizzards 11. muslo = thigh 12. pechuga = breast 13. pierna = leg MENUDENCIAS = ORGANS 1. corazon = heart 2. higado = liver 3. lengua = tongue 4. manteca de res = suet 5. menudencias = giblets 6. mollejas = gizzards 7. rinon = kidney 8. seso = brain 9. tripa / menudo = tripe

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2007

Eggs and Dairy Dictionary

HUEVOS Y LECHE = EGGS AND DAIRY 1. cocoa caliente = hot coco 2. chocolate caliente = hot chocolate 3. crema agria = sour cream, 4. crema para batir = whipping cream, (Chantilly) 5. crema dulce = sweet cream, 6. helado = ice cream 7. huevos = eggs 8. huevos cocidos = boiled eggs 9. huevos fritos = fried eggs 10. huevos revueltos = scrambled eggs 11. huevos tibios = poached eggs 12. clara de huevo = egg white 13. yema de huevo= egg yolk 14. jocoque = buttermilk 15. mitad crema, mitad leche = half and half 16. leche = milk 17. leche de chocolate = chocolate milk 18. mantequilla = butter 19. queso = cheese 20. queso suizo = swiss cheese 21. queso granulado = cottage cheese 22. queso crema = cream cheese

Beef, veal, lamb, pork dictionary.

CARNE DE RES = BEEF 1. aguayon = rump 2. agujas para cocinar = boiling beef 3. carne para asar = round steak 3. chambarete = hind shank 4. chambarete de mano = fore shank 5. concha rolled = flank steak 6. costillas = ribs 7. chuletas = rib steak 8. cuete = eye of round 9. paleta = chuck shoulder 10. falda = flank steak 11. filete = fillet 12. pecho de res = brisket 13. pecho curado = corned beef 14. milanesa = cutlet 15. molida = ground 16. pescuezo = rolled neck 17. pierna entera = T bone 18. trozo de rosbif = rib roast 19. chuleta de dos lomos = porterhouse steak 20. chuleta de aguayon = irloin steak TERNERA = VEAL (Same as for beef plus:) 21. pechuga con bolsa =breast with pocket CORDERO = LAMB 1. asado = breast 2. chambarete de carnero = shanks 3. chuletas = loin chops 4. costillas = ribs 5. espadilla = shoulder chop 6. pierna = leg 7. pierna deshuesada = boneless leg 8. retazo para cocinar = neck CERDO = PORK 1. centro de esadilla = blade steak 2. chamorros = shank 3. chicharrones = cracklings 4. chuletas = pork chops 5. costillas = spare ribs 6. espadilla = arm steaks 7. lomo de cerdo = boneless tenderloin 8. manitas = pork feet 9. manteca = lard 10. milanesa = cutlet 11. pierna = shoulder 12. punta de jamon = ham end 13. tocino = bacon

Spices Diccionary

Spanish / English 1. albahaca dulce = sweet basil 2. anis = anise 3. ajedrea = savory 4. azafran = saffron 5. cerafolto = chervil 6. chile molido = chili powder 7. cilantro = coriander 8. clavo de olor = cloves 9. comino = cumin 10. crema tartara = cream of tartar 11. cucuma = tumeric 12. curry en polvo = curry powder 13. estragon = tarragon 14. hojas de eneldo = dill weed 15. hojas de laurel = bay leaf 16. jengibre = ginger 17. macis = mace 18. mejorana = marijoram 19. mostaza = mustard 20. nuez moscada = nutmeg 21. oregano = oregano 22. perejil = parcely 23. pimenton = paprika 24. pimienta roja = cayenne pepper 25. pimienta dulce = allspice 26. pimienta negra = black pepper 27. romero = rosemary 28. salvia = sage 29. semilla de ajonjoli = sesame seed 30. semilla de alcaravea = caraway seed 31. semillas de amapola = poppy seed 32. semillas de apio = celery seed 33. tomillo = thyme

Restaurant / Kitchen verbs

1. eat = comer 2. drink = beber 3. serve = servir 4. cook = cocinar (cook = cocinero) 5. bake = hornear 6. order = ordenar 7. clear = recoger / limpiar 9. pay = pagar 10. set (the table) = colocar / poner la meza 11. give = dar 12. take = tomar 13. spread = untar 14. hold = sostener / aguantar 15. light = encender / prender 16. burn = quemar 1. stir = menear / revolver 2. grate = gratinar / rayar 3. open = abrir 4. pour = echar /vaciar /servir (generalmente líquidos) 5. peel = pelar / mondar 6. carve = cortar / tajar 7. break = romper 8. beat = batir 9. cut = cortar 10. slice = rebanar 11. chop = picar 12. steam = cocinar a vapor 13. broil = asar 14. fry = freír 15. boil = hervir. Translate the sentences. 1. Please pour me a cup of coffee. 2. Can you peel my orange? 3. Could you grate the cheese. 4. Can I beat the eggs? 5. I can spread the butter on the toast. 6. Did you stir your coffee? 7. It's time to light the candles. 8. Who will carve the Turkey. 9. I will slice the tomatoes. 10. Watch the cake or it will burn. 11. I'm going to broil the meat. 12. And I will chop the onions.

Restaurant questions?

Translate the sentences. 1. I'm hungry / I'm thirsty. 2. Can you recommend a good restaurant? 3. Are there any inexpensive restaurants around here? 4. We are a party of four. I'd like a table for three. 5. Could we have a....? table in the corner? table by the window? table outside? a booth? 6. May I please have the menu? 7. What's this? 8. Could we please have...? an ashtray, a spoon, a knife, another chair, a toothpick, a straw, a side order of... a napkin, a servillet, a coaster, some sugar, some coffee, some ketchup, some vinegar, some butter, some lemons, some bread. 9. Could I have a doggie bag? 10. Do you have a blue plate special? (table d'hote) Waiter: 1. What would you like? I'd like... Waitress: 2. I recommend... I'll try it. Waiter: 3. What would you like to drink? I'll have... Waitress: 4. We don't have... What do you have? Waiter: 5. Do you want some....? Yes, please. No, thank you. En Estados Unidos la propina NO va incluida en la cuenta.

Desserts Vocabulary

What do you have for dessert? 1. angel-food cake = Un pastel esponjoso hecho con claras de huevo. 2. apple pie. = Una tarta. / pay de manzana. 3. brownie(s) = paste de chocolate con nueces. 4. cheese cake = pay de queso 5. fudge cake = pastel de chocolate obscuro y caramelo. 6. Jello = Gelatina (Jell-O = así se escribe la marca.) 7. orange cake = pastel de naranja. (especialidad de Florida) 8. pudding = 9. pumpkin pie = tarta de calabaza 10. strawberry shortcake = paste con fresas y crema. (nata) 11. soda float = una soda con nieve 12. apple pie a la mode. = pay de manzana caliente, con nieve encima. 13. Southern pecan pie = Un pay con nueces de pecana. (Georgia) 14. sundae = helado servido en una copa, con chocolate derretido, crema, nueves, y una cereza. 15. ice-cream = nieve

How do you like your fish?

How do you like your fish? 1. baked = al horno 2. fried = frito 3. deep fried = frito a fondo 4. grilled = a la parrilla 5. marinated = adobado 6. poached = escalfado 7. raw = crudo 8. sauteed = salteado 9. smoked = ahumado 10. steamed = cocido al vapor 11. stewed = cocido a fuego lento

How do you like your meat?

1. baked = cocida

2. barbecued = a la brasa / barbacoa

3. boiled = hervida

4. braised = cocida

5. broiled = a la parrilla

6. fried = frita

7. grilled = a la parrilla

8. roasted = asada

9. stewed = estofada

10. stuffed = rellena

11. rare = poco hecha

12. medium = termino medio

13. well-done = pasada

Vegetables can be served.

1. baked = cocidas

2. boiled = hervidas

3. chopped = picadas

4. creamed = en puré o crema

5. diced = cortadas en forma de dados

6. fried = fritas

7. grilled = a la parrilla

8. mashed = en puré

9. pickled = curtidas en vinagre

10. roasted = estofadas

11. stewed = braceadas

12. stuffed = rellenas

Drinks can be served.

1. cold = frió

2. chilled = medio frió

3. at room temperature = a la temperatura ambiente

4. straight = seco

5. on the rocks = con hielo

6. a shot = sencillo

7. a double shot = doble

8. in a glass = en un vaso

9. in a bottle = en una botella

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2007

Hors d'oeuvres & Snacks

--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Hous d'oeuvres 1. antichoke = alcachofas 2. asparagus tips = puntas de espárragos 3. canapes = canapés 4. caviar = caviar 5. cold cuts = fiambres 6. crab cocktail = coctel de cangrejo 7. delilled eggas = huevos picantes 8. herring = arenque 9. lobster = langosta 10. mushrooms = hongos 11. olives = aceitunas 12. oysters = ostras 13. salami = salchicha salada y condimentada 14. sardines = sardinas 15. snails (escargot) = caracoles 16. tuna = atún 17. drummettes = partes de las alas de pollo 18. ham = jamón 19. pastrami = res ahumada y muy condimentada Snacks 1. potatoe chips 2. pretzels 3. picles 4. peanunts 5. crackers Translate the sentences. 1. It is a connoisseu's choice. Perfect for any get together. 2. It is an antipasto tray, of Italian meats, and cheeses. 3. A bread basket complement to your party, of Rye, marble, sour dough and pumpernickle breads. 4. Finger lickin' good, country fried drummettes. 5. A nibbler will like the bite size cheeses. 6. They had a finger sandwich tray at the picnic.

Fruits Vocabulary

1. grapes = uvas 2. apple = manzana 3. coconut = coco 4. pineapple = piña 5. mango = mango 6. papaya = papaya Citrus Fruits 1. grapefruit = toronja 2. orange = naranja 3. lemon = limón 4. lime = lima 5. tangerines = mandarinas Berries 1. gooseberries = grosella 2. blackberries = mora / zarzamora 3. cranberries = arándano agrio 4. blueberries = arándano azul 5. strawberry = fresa 6. raspberries = frambuesa 1. nectarine = nectarina 2. pear = pera 3. cherries = cerezas 4. bananas = plátanos Dried Fruits 1. fig = higo 2. prune = ciruela pasa 3. date = dátil 4. raisin(s) = pasa(s) 1. apricot = chabacano 2. watermelon = sandía 3. cantaloupe = melón 4. honeydew melon = melón (verde) 5. plum = ciruela Nuts 1. cashew(s) = anacardo 2. peanut(s) = cacahuate(s) 3 walnut(s) = nuez de nogal 4. hazelnut(s) = avellana(s) 5. almonds = almendras 6. chestnuts = castañas Translate the sentences. 1. Do you have any fresh fruit? 2. I would like something light. 3. Just a small portion. 4. Do you have any fresh fruit cocktail? 5. What do you recommend.

Vegetables Vocabulary

1. antichoke = alcachofa 2. aubergine & eggplant = berenjena 3. asparagus (tips) = espárragos (puntas de) 4. avocado = aguacate 5. stringbeans = ejotes, (abichuelas) 6. beans = frijoles 7. kidney beans = abichuelas 8. black beans = frijoles negros 9. lima beans = habas 10. cauliflower = coliflor 11. beets = betabel (remolacha) 12. broccoli = brocoli 13. brussels sprounts = coles pequeñas 14. watercress = berro 15. lettuce = lechuga 16. escarole = lechuga 17. spinach = espinaca 18. herb(s) = hierba(s) yerba(s) 19. celery = apio 20. corn = elote (corn on the cobb) 21. tomato(es) = tomate(s) 22. coriander = cilantro 23. cucumber = pepino 24. peppers = pimiento 25. potato(es) = papa(s) 26. garlic = ajo clove = diente de ajo 27. pumpking = calabaza 28. zucchini = calabaza 29. radish(es) = rábano(s) 30. mushroom(s) = hongos 31. onions = cebolla 32. turnip = nabo 33. chestnuts = castañas 34. lentils = lentejas 35. peas = chicharros 36. rice = arroz 37. parsley = perejil 38. sweet potatoes = camote 39. cabbage = repollo (col) 40. rosemary =
Translate the sentences.
1. What vegetables do you recommend?
2. I'd prefer a mixed salad.
3. I want corn on the cob.
4. I've never eaten 'succotash' (an idian dish)
5. Do you have cream of mushroom soup?
6. I would like a side order of broccoli.

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007

Meat Vocabulary

1. beef = carne de res 2. brains = sesos 3. steak = bistec 4. ham = jamón 5. heart = corazón 6. kidneys = riñones 7. lamb = cordero 8. liver = hígado 9. meatballs = albóndigas 10. meat loaf = rollo de carne prensada 11. mutton = carnero 12. oxtail = colas de buey 13. pork = cerdo 14. pot roast = estofado de buey 15. prime rib roast = chuleta asada de primera calidad 16. sausage = salchicha 17. steak = filete 18. stew = estofado 19. tongue = lengua 20. tripe = tripa 21. veal = ternera 22. ribs = costillas de cerdo. Translate the questions. 1. What kind of meat do you have? 2. I would like some veal please. 3. I want an order of barbecued spare ribs? 4. I would like a plate of Virginia baked ham. 5. I will have a hot roast-beef sandwich. 6. And will eat a T-bone steak, and a baked potatoe.

Fish and shellfish vocabulary

1. abalone = abulon
2. bass = perca
3. carp = carpa
4. caviar = caviar
5. clams = almejas
6. cod = bacalao
7. crab = cangrejo
8. eel = anguilas
9. lobster = langosta
10. oysters = ostiones
11. salmon = salmón
12. sardines = sardinas
13. scallops = veneras
14. shrimp = camarón
15. swordfish = pez espada
16. sole = lenguado
17. trout = trucha
18. tuna = atún
19. herring = arenque
Translate the following questions.
1. What kind of seafood do you like?
2. I would like a clam chowder.
3. I'd like some fish. What do you have?
4. Do you serve 'cioppino'?
5. I want a shrimp and abalone cock-tail.
6. Do you have smoked sardines?
7. I feel like having a cream of clam soup.
8. What kind of shellfish do you have?
9. Do you have fish croquettes?
10. Do you have any fish consomme?