sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2007

Hors d'oeuvres & Snacks

--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Hous d'oeuvres 1. antichoke = alcachofas 2. asparagus tips = puntas de espárragos 3. canapes = canapés 4. caviar = caviar 5. cold cuts = fiambres 6. crab cocktail = coctel de cangrejo 7. delilled eggas = huevos picantes 8. herring = arenque 9. lobster = langosta 10. mushrooms = hongos 11. olives = aceitunas 12. oysters = ostras 13. salami = salchicha salada y condimentada 14. sardines = sardinas 15. snails (escargot) = caracoles 16. tuna = atún 17. drummettes = partes de las alas de pollo 18. ham = jamón 19. pastrami = res ahumada y muy condimentada Snacks 1. potatoe chips 2. pretzels 3. picles 4. peanunts 5. crackers Translate the sentences. 1. It is a connoisseu's choice. Perfect for any get together. 2. It is an antipasto tray, of Italian meats, and cheeses. 3. A bread basket complement to your party, of Rye, marble, sour dough and pumpernickle breads. 4. Finger lickin' good, country fried drummettes. 5. A nibbler will like the bite size cheeses. 6. They had a finger sandwich tray at the picnic.

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