domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2007

Exercise: On Eating Out.

Use the following words to complete the sentences below. bill, bottle, dessert, drinks, fish and chips, hungry, menu, non-smoker, order, restaurant, table 1. Guest: A _____ for two, please. 2. Waiter: Smoker or _____ ? 3. Guest: Non-smoker, please. 4. Waiter: Here you go. Would you like to see the _____? 5. Guest: Yes, please. We are very _____ . 6. The guests look at the menu. 7. Waiter: Are you ready to _____? 8. Guest: We'd like _____, please. 9. Waiter: Would you like any _____? 10. Guest: An orange juice, a coke and a _____ of red wine. 11. The guests have finished their meals. 12. Waiter: Would you like a _____? 13. Guest: No, thank you. Could we have the _____, please?

Theory on the *Cocktail* word.

*************************************************************** ************************************ While sipping a cocktail, have you ever thought about the meaning of the word? cock + tail = cocktail MIENTRAS SABOREAS UN COKTEL, ¿TE HAS PUESTO A PENSAR EN EL SIGNIFICADO DE LA PALABRA? COCK = GALLO + TAIL = COLA = LA TRADUCCION ES COLA DE GALLO. Why is that? – Well, nobody knows for sure, but there are numerous theories about the origin of the name. Here are just a few, which we like most: ¿POR QUE ES ESO? - BUENO, NADIE SABE EXACTAMENTE, PERO HAY NUMEROSAS TEORIAS ACERCA DEL ORIGEN DEL NOMBRE. Y AQUI HAY ALGUNOS, ¿CUAL TE GUSTA MAS? 1. Theory The drink used to be decorated with a plant that looked like a cock’s tail. Today, colourful stirrers and picks (e.g. umbrellas) are used instead. TEORIA 1. LA BEBIDA ERA DECORADA CON UNA HOJA DE PLANTA QUE PARECIA LA COLA DE UN GALLO. HOY EN DIA DECORAN LAS BEBIDAS CON MEZCLADORES DE COLORES Y PALLILLOS (EJEMPLO. SOMBRILLAS) SON USADAS EN LUGAR DE LAS HOJAS DE PLANTAS. 2. Theory Alcoholic leftovers that could not be drawn off through the taps of the barrels were all put into one jar and sold. Cock is said to have been the name of what today is called tap (or spigot). Alcoholic leftovers were called tailings. So according to this theory, the drink was first called cock-tailing, which later became cocktail. 3. Theory Alcoholic leftovers from bottles and barrels were put into a large cock-shaped ceramic vessel, the tap of which was at the tail of that cock. According to this theory, the drink was first called cock’s tail. 4. Theory A pharmacist in New Orleans used to offer his guests a drink (brandy, sugar, water and bitters) in an egg-cup. He called the drink egg-cup cocquetier. His guests shortened this to cocktay, which later became cocktail. 5. Theory The term derives from cock ale, a drink for which the blood of a cock was used – yuck!

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2007

Chardonnay or Bordeaux?

Should you pick the Chardonnay or the Bordeaux? Deberias de escoger un Chardonnay o un Bordeaux? Forget the bargain bins. (olvida las especiales) The wine there is often leftover inventory that may be on the verge of turning to vinegar. El vino en especial es generalmente lo que sobra de un inventario y esta al borde de convertirse en vinagre. Pass up older, pricier wines. (No compres vinos caros y viejos) These are often meant to be aged for a few more years to reach their peak flavor. Estos generalmente deben de ser añejados por unos años mas para que alcancen su punto máximo. Notice where and how the wine is positioned. (Fijate donde y como esta colocado el vino) Avoid bottles that are sitting a heating vent or in direct sunlight: This baking ruins the taste. Evita las botellas que están cerca de calefacciones, o bajo los rayos del sol. En un aparador por ejemplo. Este cocimiento con calor arruina el sabor. Never buy a wine that is standing upright on a shelf. The cork may have dried out, allowing air to enter the bottle, which alters the flavor. Nunca compres botellas de vino que esten paradas verticalmente. El corcho puede secarse permitiendo que entre aire en la botella, alterando el sabor. Choose the right Wine for your food. (Escoge el vino correcto para tu comida) Steak: a Cabernet Sauvignon or red Bordeaux. Filete: un Cabernet o un Bordeaux rojo. Pot roast: a Zinfandel or a French Cotes du Rhône. Guisado : un Zinfandel o un Cotes du Rhône Frances. Roast Chicken : a Pinot Noir or a light Chardonnay. Pollo rostizado : un Pinot Noir o un Chardonnay ligero. Hamburgers : a Petite Sirah Chinese Food : a Riesling. Broiled fish : a Sauvignon Blanc or a Chenin Blanc. Chill appropriately : (Como enfriar un vino correctamente.) Observe the 20 minute rule: Pull whites out of the refrigerator 20 minutes before serving. Put reds in 20 minutes before serving. Observe la regla de los 20 minutos. Saca del refrigerador el vino blanco 20 minutos antes de servirlo. Y con el vino tinto es al revez. Mete el vino tinto 20 minutos antes de servirlo al refrigerador. Take notes: (Toma notas) Don’t trust your memory. Jot down what the wine tastes like, and who made it. NO confies en tu memoria. Apunta como sabe un vino, y quien lo hizo.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007

Poultry and organs dicitonary

AVES = POULTRY 1. gallena = hen 2. codorniz = quail 3. pavo = turkey 4. pato = duck 5. pichon = pidgeon 6. pollo = chicken 7. pollo de leche = fryer 8. alas = wings 9. menudencias = giblets 10. mollejas = gizzards 11. muslo = thigh 12. pechuga = breast 13. pierna = leg MENUDENCIAS = ORGANS 1. corazon = heart 2. higado = liver 3. lengua = tongue 4. manteca de res = suet 5. menudencias = giblets 6. mollejas = gizzards 7. rinon = kidney 8. seso = brain 9. tripa / menudo = tripe

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2007

Eggs and Dairy Dictionary

HUEVOS Y LECHE = EGGS AND DAIRY 1. cocoa caliente = hot coco 2. chocolate caliente = hot chocolate 3. crema agria = sour cream, 4. crema para batir = whipping cream, (Chantilly) 5. crema dulce = sweet cream, 6. helado = ice cream 7. huevos = eggs 8. huevos cocidos = boiled eggs 9. huevos fritos = fried eggs 10. huevos revueltos = scrambled eggs 11. huevos tibios = poached eggs 12. clara de huevo = egg white 13. yema de huevo= egg yolk 14. jocoque = buttermilk 15. mitad crema, mitad leche = half and half 16. leche = milk 17. leche de chocolate = chocolate milk 18. mantequilla = butter 19. queso = cheese 20. queso suizo = swiss cheese 21. queso granulado = cottage cheese 22. queso crema = cream cheese

Beef, veal, lamb, pork dictionary.

CARNE DE RES = BEEF 1. aguayon = rump 2. agujas para cocinar = boiling beef 3. carne para asar = round steak 3. chambarete = hind shank 4. chambarete de mano = fore shank 5. concha rolled = flank steak 6. costillas = ribs 7. chuletas = rib steak 8. cuete = eye of round 9. paleta = chuck shoulder 10. falda = flank steak 11. filete = fillet 12. pecho de res = brisket 13. pecho curado = corned beef 14. milanesa = cutlet 15. molida = ground 16. pescuezo = rolled neck 17. pierna entera = T bone 18. trozo de rosbif = rib roast 19. chuleta de dos lomos = porterhouse steak 20. chuleta de aguayon = irloin steak TERNERA = VEAL (Same as for beef plus:) 21. pechuga con bolsa =breast with pocket CORDERO = LAMB 1. asado = breast 2. chambarete de carnero = shanks 3. chuletas = loin chops 4. costillas = ribs 5. espadilla = shoulder chop 6. pierna = leg 7. pierna deshuesada = boneless leg 8. retazo para cocinar = neck CERDO = PORK 1. centro de esadilla = blade steak 2. chamorros = shank 3. chicharrones = cracklings 4. chuletas = pork chops 5. costillas = spare ribs 6. espadilla = arm steaks 7. lomo de cerdo = boneless tenderloin 8. manitas = pork feet 9. manteca = lard 10. milanesa = cutlet 11. pierna = shoulder 12. punta de jamon = ham end 13. tocino = bacon

Spices Diccionary

Spanish / English 1. albahaca dulce = sweet basil 2. anis = anise 3. ajedrea = savory 4. azafran = saffron 5. cerafolto = chervil 6. chile molido = chili powder 7. cilantro = coriander 8. clavo de olor = cloves 9. comino = cumin 10. crema tartara = cream of tartar 11. cucuma = tumeric 12. curry en polvo = curry powder 13. estragon = tarragon 14. hojas de eneldo = dill weed 15. hojas de laurel = bay leaf 16. jengibre = ginger 17. macis = mace 18. mejorana = marijoram 19. mostaza = mustard 20. nuez moscada = nutmeg 21. oregano = oregano 22. perejil = parcely 23. pimenton = paprika 24. pimienta roja = cayenne pepper 25. pimienta dulce = allspice 26. pimienta negra = black pepper 27. romero = rosemary 28. salvia = sage 29. semilla de ajonjoli = sesame seed 30. semilla de alcaravea = caraway seed 31. semillas de amapola = poppy seed 32. semillas de apio = celery seed 33. tomillo = thyme

Restaurant / Kitchen verbs

1. eat = comer 2. drink = beber 3. serve = servir 4. cook = cocinar (cook = cocinero) 5. bake = hornear 6. order = ordenar 7. clear = recoger / limpiar 9. pay = pagar 10. set (the table) = colocar / poner la meza 11. give = dar 12. take = tomar 13. spread = untar 14. hold = sostener / aguantar 15. light = encender / prender 16. burn = quemar 1. stir = menear / revolver 2. grate = gratinar / rayar 3. open = abrir 4. pour = echar /vaciar /servir (generalmente líquidos) 5. peel = pelar / mondar 6. carve = cortar / tajar 7. break = romper 8. beat = batir 9. cut = cortar 10. slice = rebanar 11. chop = picar 12. steam = cocinar a vapor 13. broil = asar 14. fry = freír 15. boil = hervir. Translate the sentences. 1. Please pour me a cup of coffee. 2. Can you peel my orange? 3. Could you grate the cheese. 4. Can I beat the eggs? 5. I can spread the butter on the toast. 6. Did you stir your coffee? 7. It's time to light the candles. 8. Who will carve the Turkey. 9. I will slice the tomatoes. 10. Watch the cake or it will burn. 11. I'm going to broil the meat. 12. And I will chop the onions.

Restaurant questions?

Translate the sentences. 1. I'm hungry / I'm thirsty. 2. Can you recommend a good restaurant? 3. Are there any inexpensive restaurants around here? 4. We are a party of four. I'd like a table for three. 5. Could we have a....? table in the corner? table by the window? table outside? a booth? 6. May I please have the menu? 7. What's this? 8. Could we please have...? an ashtray, a spoon, a knife, another chair, a toothpick, a straw, a side order of... a napkin, a servillet, a coaster, some sugar, some coffee, some ketchup, some vinegar, some butter, some lemons, some bread. 9. Could I have a doggie bag? 10. Do you have a blue plate special? (table d'hote) Waiter: 1. What would you like? I'd like... Waitress: 2. I recommend... I'll try it. Waiter: 3. What would you like to drink? I'll have... Waitress: 4. We don't have... What do you have? Waiter: 5. Do you want some....? Yes, please. No, thank you. En Estados Unidos la propina NO va incluida en la cuenta.

Desserts Vocabulary

What do you have for dessert? 1. angel-food cake = Un pastel esponjoso hecho con claras de huevo. 2. apple pie. = Una tarta. / pay de manzana. 3. brownie(s) = paste de chocolate con nueces. 4. cheese cake = pay de queso 5. fudge cake = pastel de chocolate obscuro y caramelo. 6. Jello = Gelatina (Jell-O = así se escribe la marca.) 7. orange cake = pastel de naranja. (especialidad de Florida) 8. pudding = 9. pumpkin pie = tarta de calabaza 10. strawberry shortcake = paste con fresas y crema. (nata) 11. soda float = una soda con nieve 12. apple pie a la mode. = pay de manzana caliente, con nieve encima. 13. Southern pecan pie = Un pay con nueces de pecana. (Georgia) 14. sundae = helado servido en una copa, con chocolate derretido, crema, nueves, y una cereza. 15. ice-cream = nieve

How do you like your fish?

How do you like your fish? 1. baked = al horno 2. fried = frito 3. deep fried = frito a fondo 4. grilled = a la parrilla 5. marinated = adobado 6. poached = escalfado 7. raw = crudo 8. sauteed = salteado 9. smoked = ahumado 10. steamed = cocido al vapor 11. stewed = cocido a fuego lento

How do you like your meat?

1. baked = cocida

2. barbecued = a la brasa / barbacoa

3. boiled = hervida

4. braised = cocida

5. broiled = a la parrilla

6. fried = frita

7. grilled = a la parrilla

8. roasted = asada

9. stewed = estofada

10. stuffed = rellena

11. rare = poco hecha

12. medium = termino medio

13. well-done = pasada

Vegetables can be served.

1. baked = cocidas

2. boiled = hervidas

3. chopped = picadas

4. creamed = en puré o crema

5. diced = cortadas en forma de dados

6. fried = fritas

7. grilled = a la parrilla

8. mashed = en puré

9. pickled = curtidas en vinagre

10. roasted = estofadas

11. stewed = braceadas

12. stuffed = rellenas

Drinks can be served.

1. cold = frió

2. chilled = medio frió

3. at room temperature = a la temperatura ambiente

4. straight = seco

5. on the rocks = con hielo

6. a shot = sencillo

7. a double shot = doble

8. in a glass = en un vaso

9. in a bottle = en una botella

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2007

Hors d'oeuvres & Snacks

--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Hous d'oeuvres 1. antichoke = alcachofas 2. asparagus tips = puntas de espárragos 3. canapes = canapés 4. caviar = caviar 5. cold cuts = fiambres 6. crab cocktail = coctel de cangrejo 7. delilled eggas = huevos picantes 8. herring = arenque 9. lobster = langosta 10. mushrooms = hongos 11. olives = aceitunas 12. oysters = ostras 13. salami = salchicha salada y condimentada 14. sardines = sardinas 15. snails (escargot) = caracoles 16. tuna = atún 17. drummettes = partes de las alas de pollo 18. ham = jamón 19. pastrami = res ahumada y muy condimentada Snacks 1. potatoe chips 2. pretzels 3. picles 4. peanunts 5. crackers Translate the sentences. 1. It is a connoisseu's choice. Perfect for any get together. 2. It is an antipasto tray, of Italian meats, and cheeses. 3. A bread basket complement to your party, of Rye, marble, sour dough and pumpernickle breads. 4. Finger lickin' good, country fried drummettes. 5. A nibbler will like the bite size cheeses. 6. They had a finger sandwich tray at the picnic.

Fruits Vocabulary

1. grapes = uvas 2. apple = manzana 3. coconut = coco 4. pineapple = piña 5. mango = mango 6. papaya = papaya Citrus Fruits 1. grapefruit = toronja 2. orange = naranja 3. lemon = limón 4. lime = lima 5. tangerines = mandarinas Berries 1. gooseberries = grosella 2. blackberries = mora / zarzamora 3. cranberries = arándano agrio 4. blueberries = arándano azul 5. strawberry = fresa 6. raspberries = frambuesa 1. nectarine = nectarina 2. pear = pera 3. cherries = cerezas 4. bananas = plátanos Dried Fruits 1. fig = higo 2. prune = ciruela pasa 3. date = dátil 4. raisin(s) = pasa(s) 1. apricot = chabacano 2. watermelon = sandía 3. cantaloupe = melón 4. honeydew melon = melón (verde) 5. plum = ciruela Nuts 1. cashew(s) = anacardo 2. peanut(s) = cacahuate(s) 3 walnut(s) = nuez de nogal 4. hazelnut(s) = avellana(s) 5. almonds = almendras 6. chestnuts = castañas Translate the sentences. 1. Do you have any fresh fruit? 2. I would like something light. 3. Just a small portion. 4. Do you have any fresh fruit cocktail? 5. What do you recommend.

Vegetables Vocabulary

1. antichoke = alcachofa 2. aubergine & eggplant = berenjena 3. asparagus (tips) = espárragos (puntas de) 4. avocado = aguacate 5. stringbeans = ejotes, (abichuelas) 6. beans = frijoles 7. kidney beans = abichuelas 8. black beans = frijoles negros 9. lima beans = habas 10. cauliflower = coliflor 11. beets = betabel (remolacha) 12. broccoli = brocoli 13. brussels sprounts = coles pequeñas 14. watercress = berro 15. lettuce = lechuga 16. escarole = lechuga 17. spinach = espinaca 18. herb(s) = hierba(s) yerba(s) 19. celery = apio 20. corn = elote (corn on the cobb) 21. tomato(es) = tomate(s) 22. coriander = cilantro 23. cucumber = pepino 24. peppers = pimiento 25. potato(es) = papa(s) 26. garlic = ajo clove = diente de ajo 27. pumpking = calabaza 28. zucchini = calabaza 29. radish(es) = rábano(s) 30. mushroom(s) = hongos 31. onions = cebolla 32. turnip = nabo 33. chestnuts = castañas 34. lentils = lentejas 35. peas = chicharros 36. rice = arroz 37. parsley = perejil 38. sweet potatoes = camote 39. cabbage = repollo (col) 40. rosemary =
Translate the sentences.
1. What vegetables do you recommend?
2. I'd prefer a mixed salad.
3. I want corn on the cob.
4. I've never eaten 'succotash' (an idian dish)
5. Do you have cream of mushroom soup?
6. I would like a side order of broccoli.

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007

Meat Vocabulary

1. beef = carne de res 2. brains = sesos 3. steak = bistec 4. ham = jamón 5. heart = corazón 6. kidneys = riñones 7. lamb = cordero 8. liver = hígado 9. meatballs = albóndigas 10. meat loaf = rollo de carne prensada 11. mutton = carnero 12. oxtail = colas de buey 13. pork = cerdo 14. pot roast = estofado de buey 15. prime rib roast = chuleta asada de primera calidad 16. sausage = salchicha 17. steak = filete 18. stew = estofado 19. tongue = lengua 20. tripe = tripa 21. veal = ternera 22. ribs = costillas de cerdo. Translate the questions. 1. What kind of meat do you have? 2. I would like some veal please. 3. I want an order of barbecued spare ribs? 4. I would like a plate of Virginia baked ham. 5. I will have a hot roast-beef sandwich. 6. And will eat a T-bone steak, and a baked potatoe.

Fish and shellfish vocabulary

1. abalone = abulon
2. bass = perca
3. carp = carpa
4. caviar = caviar
5. clams = almejas
6. cod = bacalao
7. crab = cangrejo
8. eel = anguilas
9. lobster = langosta
10. oysters = ostiones
11. salmon = salmón
12. sardines = sardinas
13. scallops = veneras
14. shrimp = camarón
15. swordfish = pez espada
16. sole = lenguado
17. trout = trucha
18. tuna = atún
19. herring = arenque
Translate the following questions.
1. What kind of seafood do you like?
2. I would like a clam chowder.
3. I'd like some fish. What do you have?
4. Do you serve 'cioppino'?
5. I want a shrimp and abalone cock-tail.
6. Do you have smoked sardines?
7. I feel like having a cream of clam soup.
8. What kind of shellfish do you have?
9. Do you have fish croquettes?
10. Do you have any fish consomme?